Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dates of the Winterville Watermelon Festival?
August 22-25, 2024

What are the hours?

    • Thursday 6:00pm – 10:00pm
    • Friday 6:00pm – 11:00pm
    • Saturday 8:00am – 11:00pm
    • Sunday 1:00pm – 6:00pm

Do all concerts require tickets?
The Saturday night Watermelon Jam does require tickets (click here for more info), but all other entertainment for the duration of the festival is free to attend.

How early should I line up to get a good seat for the Saturday Concert?
Gates open at 5:00pm. Please plan accordingly.

Can I drink at the festival or concert?
For the second year in a row we will be hosting a beer garden at our Saturday night concert. You still cannot bring in any outside alcohol, but may purchase it inside the concert area to be consumed inside the concert area. This is only available on Saturday night from 5pm to 10pm. This is a privilege we have been granted so please help us keep it by behaving accordingly so in future years we have the possibility of expansion!

Can I bring my cooler, skateboard or dog to the festival area or any of the concerts?
There are several items not allowed in the Festival areas for the safety and enjoyment of those attending the concerts. The Winterville Watermelon Festival Committee, Inc. reserves the right to alter or change this policy at any time. Any guest violating any policy of the Winterville Watermelon Festival may, and can be, removed from the concert and festival areas.

Currently the items NOT allowed into the festival areas include, but are not limited to:

    • Cooler
    • Outside food or drink of any kind – must be purchased inside concert area
    • Pets
    • Video Equipment & Recording Devices
    • Laser Pointers
    • Drugs and contraband
    • Skateboards, Bikes, or Skates
    • Weapons/Knives
    • Kites or Frisbees

If it rains, can I bring my umbrella into the concert area?
No. Please bring a poncho or appropriate rain gear.

Is there handicap seating at the concerts?
Yes, a limited amount of handicap seating is available on a first come first serve basis at the Saturday concert. While we try to accommodate all guests, please remember the concert area is outdoors and grassy.

Is there handicap parking?
Yes. A limited amount of handicap parking is available beside A.G. Cox School off Sylvania Street. It is available on a first come first serve basis.

Can I smoke at the concert?

Can I get autographs from all of the entertainers?
While the Festival encourages all performers to sign autographs, each entertainer has their own policies. The Festival cannot guarantee a performer’s availability and willingness to sign autographs.

Will there be food and drinks for sale?
Yes, food and drink vendors are on site.

How can I be considered to entertain at the Winterville Watermelon Festival?
To be considered for 2025 look under the contact tab and send an email to the Entertainment Contact. Or you may information mail it to: P.O. Box 805, Winterville, NC 28590

I will be traveling from outside the area. What accommodations do you have?
For all available hotels visit the website

Where can I park my car for the Festival?
Limited parking is available near the Festival site, primarily along Church Street (where it is legal to do so). Other sites are available throughout the town. A. G. Cox School will be parking cars on their athletic complex for $10 – benefitting their Athletic Department. The complex is the closest parking and adjacent to the concert area. You can access this lot via Blount Street.

Is there a shuttle service?
The festival volunteers ride the area surrounding the festival in golf carts to help the public arrive on festival grounds. The golf cart shuttles are free, but can not be scheduled or called. Priority is given to those parked in the handicap areas.

How can I be a Food Vendor?
Space for food vendors is limited. Vendors are selected on specific criteria including variety, price and experience. You may download the Food Vendor application from the website.

How can I be an Arts/Crafts and Commercial Vendor?
You may download the Arts/Crafts and commercial Vendor application from our website.

What does it cost to ride the amusement rides?
Ride tickets cost $1.00 each and it takes 3-4 tickets to ride children rides and 4-5 tickets to ride adult rides. Thursday and Sunday are Wristband Days. You may purchase a wristband for $25.00 and ride until closing for one price. Wristbands are only available to the general public and good for the day they are purchased.

Are there other items to know about the festival?
Please be sure to visit the concert information page for information regarding the concert regulations.